Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lowered Suspensions

Lowering your vehicle's suspension system is a common aftermarket procedure that many vehicle owners choose to have done. However, altering the standard height of your vehicle's suspension carries a number of distinctive advantages and disadvantages. Before you decide to make any major changes to your vehicle, it's a good idea to get a general understanding of what exactly a lowered suspension has to offer, and at what cost.

Advantages of a Lowered Suspension

Increased Acceleration: One of the most obvious advantages to lowering your vehicle's suspension is the improvement in acceleration. This is because your car will sit lower on the road, which means that it will have improved aerodynamics while driving, decreasing wind drag and allowing you to speed up much easier. It should also be noted that this can help improve fuel efficiency by reducing the amount of resistance that your vehicle experiences at all speeds, helping you save money on gas costs.

Reduced Rollover Risk: Further, having a vehicle that is sitting lower to the ground also has a key safety advantage. A lowered suspension will help keep your vehicle's center of gravity near the ground, making it much harder for your vehicle to roll over while turning at high speeds or when you are in a collision. Considering the high risk of injury and damage associated with rolling a vehicle, this is definitely something to take into consideration.

Disadvantages of a Lowered Suspension

Risk of Undercarriage Damage: One of the main disadvantages associated with lowering your vehicle's suspension is that it's easier to damage the undercarriage of your vehicle while driving. This is especially true when driving over uneven ground, including going over speed bumps or off-roading. This can make it impossible for your vehicle to go into certain areas and can result in additional necessary repairs over time.

Harder Repairs: Another important aspect of lowering your vehicle's suspension that should be considered is that a lowered suspension can make doing work and repairs on your vehicle more complicated. This is because it can be harder to raise a lowered vehicle off of the ground to work on it. Also, altering the position of the suspension can place a number of components within the car in closer proximity to each other than originally intended, leaving less room to actually complete work. This can result in higher labor costs and longer periods of time associated with any repairs that you may have done in the future.

For more information, contact local professionals like those found at Lamb's Automotive Repair with Care.
