Is It Possible To Save Money On Luxury Car Repairs? Here’s 4 Ways To Do It

Many people assume luxury car repairs automatically come with an extremely high price tag. For many luxury vehicles, there's some truth to that. However, no matter the make and model of your luxury vehicle, there's a few things you can do to mitigate the possibility of expensive repair costs. 1. Learn Your Vehicle and Find Out What You Can Do Yourself The more you know about your luxury vehicle, the more you can save on maintenance and repair costs. Read More 

Three Guidelines For Getting Auto Glass Replacement

In order to get the highest quality auto glass replacement, you will need to reach out to different auto glass shops, research the type of glass you need and follow some proper protocol to get the best installation possible. To get the best installation, consider the tips issued below and do not hesitate to contact a handful of replacement contractors in order to begin gathering some estimates on your glass replacement. Read More 

How To Check Your Car’s Vitals Between Oil Changes To Avoid Repairs

You need to check your car's vitals every time you get an oil change. Every three months or 3,000 miles used to be the recommendation. With today's higher-performance vehicles, recommended oil changes have changed to every every 5,000 to 10,000 miles. Check your owner's manual for your particular car's tune-up schedule. In the meantime, check your oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and coolant in between those longer oil changes yourself to keep your car running smoothly. Read More 

3 Tips for Foreign Car Maintenance

In order to care for your European car, you need to be very mindful of the maintenance that you'll receive. Whether you have a Mercedes, Volkswagen or BMW, there are some intricacies of these vehicles that will require you to do business with professionals who specialize in fixing these cars. Auto shops will also have access to all of the parts that you will need to get the repair done speedily. Read More 

Four Things To Have The Mechanic Check When He Or She Changes The Oil In Your Car

When you have a car, it is important to do what you can to take care of it. There are many people who know to have their oil changed regularly, but do not realize that there is other regular maintenance that need to be done to keep the car running as well as it can for as long as possible. The guide that follows walks you through a few other things you may need to have checked on a regular basis if you want your car to run properly for years to come. Read More